Croydon Hills Baptist Church

We enjoy meeting together each Sunday to celebrate God's love. The preaching is life related and inspiring. We believe that God still touches lives and desires to bring wholeness and freedom to all. We are excited by what God is doing amongst us.

We believe that God has uniquely gifted each believer to serve Him and that such service will have the greatest impact when we receive the support and encouragement from one another in the local church. We thus believe that the local church is still the primary means whereby God enables us to learn and grow together in His love, and in our understanding of His purposes.

We conduct four services of worship on Sundays.
- Morning Services - Usually 9am & 11am
- Karen Speaking Service - 1.30pm
- SIX.PM at the Basement - 6pm

Regardless of your current views or beliefs we would love to see you on Sundays, as we continue to study God's word and work out it's practical application to our daily lives.

Church/religious organization